Annual Report 2023, Practicing our craft
So generations flourish
Behind every solution we deliver for you is a distinctive combination of skill, creativity, care, commitment, and innovative thinking. We address the pragmatic without losing sight of the personal, inspired by each opportunity to help you and your family flourish for the long term.
For us, working with you is more than doing our job: It's practicing our craft.
We practice our craft together,
collectively bringing possibilities to life for you and your family.
“I couldn’t be successful without the expertise of my colleagues — I’m one piece of a very large puzzle working to deliver solutions for our clients.”
“Our mission is to be a trusted advisor, so our mindset is not simply that there’s a task to be done, but rather that there’s a client to be served.”
Pictured left to right:
Donna Bacich
Head of Quality Assurance
Daman Desai
Application Security Engineer
Brian Skarbek
Head of Application Architecture
Highlights from our Chairman and CEO
Practicing our craft. The phrase evokes accomplishments of exacting discipline and great skill — skill in planning and skill in executing. It sounds appealing. Indeed, we’re convinced people everywhere are drawn to those who practice their craft with care and organizations that encourage it.
At Bessemer, it all starts with our singular focus as a family office providing comprehensive and personal wealth management to individuals and families of substantial wealth. That’s all we do. Maintaining a three-to-one ratio of clients to employees helps our teams develop a deep understanding of clients’ goals, and we view client satisfaction as a key measure of how successfully we understand and reach those goals. Independent private ownership helps us take the long view as fiduciaries.
We remain committed to practicing our craft of providing deep expertise and advice to help our clients meet their wealth goals for today and the future.